October 21, 2008

Millikin Honor Band

Marching Band Might be wrapping up, but that does not mean we slow down!

A month or so ago a handful of EPG's best high school instrumentalists were nominated for an honor band at Millikin University which will be lead by professor Neal Smith.

The following students were selected to represent EPGHS at the festival:
Jessica Bigger - Euphonium
Daniel Hermes - Alto Saxophone
Mark Rhodes - Trumpet

These three talented musicians will be heading to Millikin University with Mr. Freesen for a day of sessions and rehearsals that will give them an experience they can't get in our high school band program.

We will be leaving at 7:15AM from the HS. The concert will take place at 7:30PM on the fantastic Kirkland stage in Decatur. Contact the music office for more information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jesse, Danny, & Mark!