Three EPGJH music students(Tess, Amy, and Justin) took advantage of a great opportunity to play their instruments on Saturday. We piled in a CUSD #11 van at 5:45AM and even though everyone was sleepy, we were excited about what the day might hold. (I might have been the most excited of all!) The event was the EIU Middle School Honor Band Festival.
A lot of neat things happen at EIU on an honor band day. For example our students had to prepare for a concert, but they hadn't seen the music yet! What a test of their musical fortitude! After they began looking up from their music stands they also got to meet and play for two very well-known conductor/composers.
Pierre LaPlante and Larry Daehn served as clinicians for the day teaching our young musicians all kind of neat things. These two men are giants in the music education world because they have given us such great music to play with our developing bands.
After many hours of rehearsals, a chamber music concerts, and a lot of pizza, our students took the stage along with over 140 other musicians to perform a fantastic concert in the beautiful Doudna Fine Arts Center. The place was standring room only! After the concert(and a standing oviation!) the composers sat in the lobby signing things and taking pictures. I even got my pictures with these two great educators. I grew up playing their music so what a treat for me as well.
The students had a good time and had plenty to talk about afterwards. I hope to continue taking students to these types of events. Not only is it educational, but it's also a lot of fun. Just ask the students about the "red room".
- Mr. F
A short video clip of the 8th Grade Honor Band(not great quality)

The full band on stage and Tess talking with composer, Larry Daehn.