April 28, 2009

EPGHS at ISU Invitational

The EPGHS Wind Symphony took the stage at the Illinois State Concert Band Invitational on April 25th 2009. The group played very well and the audio recording really showed that. The group has came a very long way since Winter Break.

The group played a tough program consisting of Movement 3 of the Folksong Suite, October, and American Riversongs. It was fantastic to get to work on pieces from Whitacre, Vaughan Williams, and LaPlante for this performance. The students really bought into the music and gave it their best.

It was great experience to get to play on that stage at the ISU Center for Performing Arts. I love being able to give the students a chance to hear their music in a proper venue.

I have some video of the performance, but in all fairness to the band it's not the best representation. It was shot on a Sony digital still camera so the audio/video is not very clear. Hopefully though it will give some of the parents who couldn't join us an idea of how well the students performed. Links are posted below!

American Riversongs by Pierre LaPlante
October by Eric Whitacre
English Folksongs Movement No. 3 by Ralph Vaughan Williams

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